


Hat: Ascend - Josh Baseball Cap

Glasses: Zoom - Aviator Glasses 2022 @ Alpha (May 22nd - June 17th)

Necklace: Schelm - Single T-chain Necklace 

Neck tattoo: Garden of Ku - Aegir

Shirt/vest: Volver - Ronnie T-Shirt & Vest @ Alpha (May 22nd - June 17th)

Shorts: REINVENT - Cut-off Jeans shorts @ Man Cave (May 17th - June 11th)

Rings/bracelet: RAWR - Torque Set @ Alpha (May 22nd - June 17th)


Table: DRD - Elaine's Lunch Set - Table @ The Fifty (May 25th - June 20th)

Lunch setting: DRD - Elaine's Lunch Set - Tablesetting @ The Fifty (May 25th - June 20th)

Chairs: DRD - Elaine's Lunch Set - chair @ The Fifty (May 25th - June 20th)

Chicken wings platter: Lucas Lameth - Chicken Wings Party Dipper 

Chicken wing: Lucas Lameth - Wing#1

Lemon butter: Lucas Lameth - Lemon Butter Sauce & Pepper 

Salad/veggies: Lucas Lameth - Plate of Veggies 

Cake: dust bunny - strawberry season - cake 

Doggos: Rezz Room - Bull Terrier Adult Animesh (Companion) v2

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