Hair: Modulus - Calum Hair @ Anthem (Oct 3rd - 31st)
Glasses: Moonstone - RX103 Glasses @ FaMESHed (Oct 1st - 27th)
Scarf: Legal Insanity - Salvo Scarf @ FaMESHed (Oct 1st - 27th)
Sweater: Legal Insanity - Ciro Sweaters @ FaMESHed (Oct 1st - 27th)
Jeans: etiquette - Enzo Gacha - Jeans
Popsicle: 220ML - Popsicle Rain Gacha - Cute Bear @ Arcade (Oct 6th - 31st)
Puppers: Rezz Room - American Bully Adult (Animesh Companion) @ Man Cave (Oct 17th - Nov 11th)
Pose: RK Poses - Aaron
Little house truck: THOR - Woodlands Gacha Set - Truck Refuge RARE @ Kustom9 (Oct 14th - Nov 9th)
Shovel birdhouse: THOR - Woodlands Gacha Set - Birdhouse Shovel @ Kustom9 (Oct 14th - Nov 9th)
Table: THOR - Woodlands Gacha Set - Distressed Table @ Kustom9 (Oct 14th - Nov 9th)
Armchair: THOR - Woodlands Gacha Set - Hipster Harmchair @ Kustom9 (Oct 14th - Nov 9th)
Rocking chair: THOR - Woodlands Gacha Set - Old Rocking Chair @ Kustom9 (Oct 14th - Nov 9th)
Weather vane: THOR - Woodlands Gacha Set - Rooster Weather Vain RARE @ Kustom9 (Oct 14th - Nov 9th)
Tray: THOR - Woodlands Gacha Set - Woodland Tray @ Kustom9 (Oct 14th - Nov 9th)
Pallet bench: THOR - The Buddies Shed - Pallet Bench
Pillow: THOR - The Buddies Shed - Pillow Seating Brown
Autumn sign: 22769 - Autumn Treats - Autumn Sign @ Arcade (Oct 6th - 31st)
Hot toddy tray: Granola - Cider Hot Toddy Tray (Group Gift - October)
Soup bowl: dust bunny - taste of autumn - bowl of soup
Pumpkin crate: InsurreKtion - Harvest Time Gacha - Pumpkins Crate
Firepit & kettle: Ayla - Roadside Break - Stone Fire Pit & Kettle
Shrubs: hive - oak simple shrub
Topiary: hive - spiral boxwood topiary - autumn
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