Hair: theMARS - Hair Binz @ Man Cave (Oct 17th - Nov 11th)
Jacket/pullover/shirt: Cordewa - Flannel Coat @ Man Cave (Oct 17th - Nov 11th)
Jeans: Ascend - Levi Straight Fit Jeans @ TMD (Oct 5th - 30th)
Flower/bread bouquet: dust bunny - maple market bouquet (holdable or rez versions) @ FaMESHed (Oct 1st - 27th)
Coffee: hive - coffee on the go (holdable, left or right, or rez)
Doggo: Chez Moi - Halloween Doggy
Patio tables and chairs: Fancy Decor - Lisa Bistro Table & Chairs
Flower centrepieces: vespertine - pumpkin potted chrysanthemums
Coffee carrier: hive - coffee on the go holder (hold or rez)
Inflatable ghosts: CHEZ MOI - Inflatable Ghosts @ Access (Oct 12th - Nov 8th)
Inflatable pumpkins: Apple Fall - Inflatable Pumpkin
Hanging pumpkins: Your Dreams - Jack Lamp's Hand @ Access (Oct 12th - Nov 8th)
Lights: hive - boho string lights
Cafe / food pod: KraftWork - Wood Alder Pod Food Stand