Hair: Vango - Harvey @ Alpha (July 22nd - Aug 17th)
Tank: Varsity - Renato Tanktop @ Alpha (July 22nd - Aug 17th)
Brush: THOR - Outdoor Shower - Bath Brush
Pose: My own
Shower: Nutmeg - Garden Shower @ Kustom9 (July 15th - Aug 10th)
Towels: Nutmeg - Garden Towels @ Kustom9 (July 15th - Aug 10th)
Hose pot: Nutmeg - Hose Pot
Shampoo: Nutmeg - Tidy Pastels - Liquid Soap Lavender
Bar Soap: Nutmeg - Tidy Pastels - Bar of Soap
Chair with basket: Nutmeg - Countryside Laundry Chair
Hanging plant #1: Ariskea - VividLeaf - Fern Plant Hanging
Hanging plant #2: Ariskea - VividLeaf - Pothos Plant hanging
Rocks: HISA - Rocky heights - Rocks
Doggo #1: Rezz Room - Bull Terrier Adult Animesh (Companion)
Doggo #2 (background): Rezz Room - American Bully Puppy