Oh look, another glorious morning


Hair: Vango - Nathan @ Alpha (Aug 22nd - Sept 18th)

Necklace: kunst - Ronan necklace @ TMD (Aug 5th - 30th)

Bracelet: RAWR - Confident bracelet @ Alpha (Aug 22nd - Sept 18th)

Pelvis piercings: Fewness - Like a star

Chest hair: TF - Grizzly Body Hair @ TMD (Aug 5th - 30th)

Leg hair: Hype - Leg Hair L11 @ Alpha (Aug 22nd - Sept 18th)

Pose (with mug and pot): Reve Obscura - Morning After


Kitchen (comes with PG and Adult poses): SLAM - kitchenette @ Man Cave (Aug 17th - Sept 11th)

Nutella sandwiches: vespertine - yumtella toast prep board

Hanging herbs: vespertine - herb drying

Cross-stich: Aardvark - Not Your Granny's Cross Stitch 

Plant (left): What Next - Fiddle Leaf Plant 

Plant (right): Apple Fall - Begonia Maculata

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