Hat/hair: FALKON - Nicholas [Regular].
Glasses: tylie - Horror Flick Nerd Set - Dwight Glasses (previously gacha)
Shirt/tie: tylie - Horror Flick Nerd Set - Dwight Collar & Tie (previously gacha)
Pants: tylie - Horror Flick Nerd Set - Dwight Pants & Belt (previously gacha)
Shoes: Semller - Worn Skate Sneakers @ TMD (Oct 5th - 30th)
Necklace: RealEvil - Grim Reaper Necklace @ TMD (Oct 5th - 30th)
Flashlight: tylie -Horror Flick Nerd Set - Flashlight (previously gacha)
Med kit: tylie - Horror Flick Nerd Set - Medkit (previously gacha)
Pyramid daddy
Outfit with knife: JOCKD -JOCKDTOBER 2020 -The Butcher (currently on sale for JOCKtober)
Blood: Izzie's - Face & Body Blood & Wounds (recently updated to EvoX)
Pose: DNS Pose - RIP @ Level Event (Oct 1st - 24th)
Cabin backdrop: Bad Unicorn - Creepy Cabin Backdrop
Jungle gym with locker/hook: AVITY - Survive the Night (mainstore currently closed) (previously gacha)
Effigy: tylie - Horror Flick Nerd Set - Effigy (previously gacha)
Crow: Rezz Room - Crow