Hair: Dura - Anime 08 @ Neo-Japan (Sept 25th - Oct 17th)
Jacket: A&Y - Thrasher Cyber Jacket @ Neo-Japan (Sept 25th - Oct 17th)
Outfit: AsteroidBox - Certamine Outfit @ Neo-Japan (Sept 25th - Oct 17th)
Boots: AsteroidBox - Xaid Boots (Special Halloween version - store hunt free)
Jaw: AsteroidBox - Metal Jaw (Special Halloween version - store hunt free)
Scythe: Tanaka - Detto Scythe
Gloves: Thirst - Aether Gauntlets
Sawblade: cinphul - mongrel saw
Pose: Poseidon - Starpose
Doggo: Rezz Room - Cerberus (Animesh Companion) @ Neo-Japan (Sept 25th - Oct 17th)
Backdrop: Varonis - Occurrence Backdrop
Arms: Contraption - Hands of Servitude
Book: Contraption - The Everybook